Tuesday, December 4, 2012

AWC student interview

I intervied a student at AWC and asked what their opinoin was on the benifets and how harmful technolgy is. The student is a 21 year old male who goes to school part time and has a full time job working in a retirement home. After the question was asked he responded by saying that he feels that technology is both helpful and harmful . He feels having the power of technology in school is a real helpful tool. Saying that being able to send and doing homework through the AWC website makes it easier for him to complete his work. Having internet also helps him look up information he needs to do other assignments. On the other hand he feels that technology is really harmful to him because he getsa distracted really easy. He tends to get side tracked by looking at videos on youtube and getting on facebook often which leaves him little time to complete work. He also said that he pays little attention in class as he tends to be on his phone most of the time doing other things. He says that people depend to much on technology now a days that their are people out there that would not know what to do if they did not have their phone or internet.

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