Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Observation 2

I took a whole day writing down how Iwould use technology in a day. Starting off the day I check my phone on to check for messages or any missed calls. I noticed that i would constantly check my phone for time and also my emails. I rarley use my laptop , but when I do it is to add more music to my Itunes linrary to then add to my ipod as I am a fan of music. Whenever there is a chance I listen to my music as I feel it is a part of my life. Around the house I constantly use my head phones so I will not disturb my family. Since the laptop is rarley used, I always check my facebook and other hiphop websites to see what new music is out to listen too. Even in my car I tend to use technology as I have a system in my car for my music. In my car there are four indoor speakers which are hooked to an amp to boost up the voice. Two 12 inch subwoofers as well as another amp are connected to a pionneer touch screen cd/dvd player. Through that I connect my ipod with an aux cable where I am able to listen to my music. The whole day I use technology for many purposes. At school the only technology I use is my ipod when I am not in class and my phone in class or out. The one that I noticed i used the most is my phone and second is my ipod. I believe that technology is really distractful because it does make me get side tracked most of the time. I would honestly not know what to do if I did not have any of these things to use because I use it on an daily basis.

Observations 1

I spent a whole day at AWC observing students on how they use technology. Many students walk around school texting and listening to their mp3/ipods. Those that do not have acces to internet or a computer at home use their time at school to complete their work in the computer lab. When students  do not have anything to do I saw them waiting around before clsss using their phones to text and call otheres. I also saw many students listening to their ipods walking around with the giant Dr. Dre Beats head phones. Also students sit around in the library as well with their laptops using the AWC website. Also I noticed that there were a few student who would use the tablets, ipad or android.

AWC student interview

I intervied a student at AWC and asked what their opinoin was on the benifets and how harmful technolgy is. The student is a 21 year old male who goes to school part time and has a full time job working in a retirement home. After the question was asked he responded by saying that he feels that technology is both helpful and harmful . He feels having the power of technology in school is a real helpful tool. Saying that being able to send and doing homework through the AWC website makes it easier for him to complete his work. Having internet also helps him look up information he needs to do other assignments. On the other hand he feels that technology is really harmful to him because he getsa distracted really easy. He tends to get side tracked by looking at videos on youtube and getting on facebook often which leaves him little time to complete work. He also said that he pays little attention in class as he tends to be on his phone most of the time doing other things. He says that people depend to much on technology now a days that their are people out there that would not know what to do if they did not have their phone or internet.

Is technology causing me to to lose as much as I gain?

Technology now a days is a useful tool and also a requirement for college students. Homework and other projects are turned in through the internet on the AWC website. Having technology like this is useful, but also distracts you as you can get side tracked from doing your homework and projects. Technology is a really helpful tool to have in college because having a laptop and internet on your phone helps you look up information you need to help you complete assignments. At the same time these tools you posses can get you side tracked from completing your work. You may want to take a little break and look up other things or watch videos instead. Having phones in class will also make students get distracted as they decide to be on their phones and look at their emails, text messages, facebook, etc. instead of paying attention to the teacher.